
Global World Products
Life is worth eating

image As-Sweet Natural Sweetener is 100% owned by Global World Products.

Global World Products also has our own natural sweetener made from certified organic Stevia. Our brand is As-Sweet and is the most popular New Zealand owned natural sweetener available on supermarket shelves. As-Sweet is low in calories and also is suitable for people seeking a sugar free diet such as diabetics.

As Stevia is now able to be used in more countries around the world including the EU and the U.S, more and more people are discovering the health benefits of this magical plant that has been used for centuries.

As-Sweet Natural Sweeteners is available in the following;

Sachet box x 50 sachets
Bulk Sachet Bag x 500 sachets
Powder jar x 150gm
Tablets x 200 tablets
Liquid x 100ml

Please contact us if you would like to know more details about this and if you would like to be a distributer in your local market or visit

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